I just lost a game where the other team went triple smite triple revive and did nothing but 5-man gank. Everyone else on my team thought the way to win was to push every lane, and we had a Skarner who thought it would be a good idea to keep jungling instead of just switching to laning. I can't believe how retarded people can be.
The game I played two days ago had a Vlad on the other team with 881 AP at some point, and I'm pretty sure it went up because it had a soul stealer that wasn't even fully stacked yet. I had almost 4k hp and well over 100 MR and he decimated my hp. D:
The game I played two days ago had a Vlad on the other team with 881 AP at some point, and I'm pretty sure it went up because it had a soul stealer that wasn't even fully stacked yet. I had almost 4k hp and well over 100 MR and he decimated my hp. D:
I was one-shotting their carries. Yeah, they had two. They would always run in the same way too, so I starting coming from the jungle and comboing down half their team. At the very end all 5 of them ran out of the well to focus me in a 2v5, I got two but they got me
I played a game as Veigar yesterday, and I 2- or 3-shot the other team's 4,000 health Vlad. Nine-hundred sixty-five AP with Deathfire Grasp makes me lol.
I played a game as Veigar yesterday, and I 2- or 3-shot the other team's 4,000 health Vlad. Nine-hundred sixty-five AP with Deathfire Grasp makes me lol.
That's why I hate AP so much. There are so many stack items that can give you an extra 500 AP out of nowhere, and there's nothing that can give you enough MR to do anything about it. There are no stack items for AD, and the only way you can get over 500 AD is if you have like 5 Bloodthirsters. >_>
I played a game as Veigar yesterday, and I 2- or 3-shot the other team's 4,000 health Vlad. Nine-hundred sixty-five AP with Deathfire Grasp makes me lol.
You're doing it wrong.
Try 1200 AP. Farm better.
I know, but I don't fucking play Veigar, or anyone who farms for that matter. I play tanks and support. Be more condescending, it makes you look so hardXcore.
That's why I hate AP so much. There are so many stack items that can give you an extra 500 AP out of nowhere, and there's nothing that can give you enough MR to do anything about it. There are no stack items for AD, and the only way you can get over 500 AD is if you have like 5 Bloodthirsters. >_>
That's why I hate AP so much. There are so many stack items that can give you an extra 500 AP out of nowhere, and there's nothing that can give you enough MR to do anything about it. There are no stack items for AD, and the only way you can get over 500 AD is if you have like 5 Bloodthirsters. >_>
Spells can't crit.
Buy more IE.
IE doesn't stack. If I want more crit, I'll get multiple PDs as they're cheaper and help towards other things like move speed. Like I said before, I'd have to get multiple Bloodthirsters to get a good amount of AD. But still, that's 3k per, so if I wanted to have 4 BTs, I'd have to spend 12k, whereas you can get a Soul Stealer for like 2k or w/e and have your AP increase dramatically just from one or two champion kills.