Is it, at the current point in time, possible to change a unit's quotes? For example, let's say I recorded myself saying "sup dude" and wanted to make the SCV say that when clicked on. How would I, if I could?
Relatively ancient and inactive
The WCIII way is to find the audio file in SCII MPQs, import the file in the editor and set the filepath to that of the audio file in the MPQ.
Ya, its a simple mod, but the audio file has to be in correct format(usually a .wav file)
>be faceless void >mfw I have no face
I thought SC2 audio is in the .ogg format...
Red classic.
"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."
i think it is .ogg cuz i very highly doubt they would continue using .wav
SC2 also uses wav. I know this because I've imported the old observer explosion sound to use in my remake of dodgeball.
The other day someone in the sc2mapster irc also mentioned wav and ogg as being the only sound files supported by SC2.