Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Assistance > Topic: Build costs
Build costs
Apr 30 2010, 3:14 am
By: Biophysicist  

Apr 30 2010, 3:14 am Biophysicist Post #1

Really dumb question: How do you edit something's build cost in GalaxyEdit?


Apr 30 2010, 4:41 am Swampfox Post #2

Open Data Editor -> Abilities tab -> search "SCV - Build (SCV)" -> Follow pics from there

Trust me, that wasn't a dumb question. Had trouble remembering where that was myself.


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[11:58 pm]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- wb sen
[2024-9-30. : 6:06 pm]
NudeRaider -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: NudeRaider :O so that's why we get spambots about exercise equipment: they're just mineral farmers
of course, hired by me. Get on my level!
[2024-9-30. : 6:05 pm]
Zoan -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: just post more, plebs :ego:
:O so that's why we get spambots about exercise equipment: they're just mineral farmers
[2024-9-30. : 1:48 pm]
Vrael -- they made a movie about it and everything:
[2024-9-30. : 1:37 pm]
Oh_Man -- i dont know who this will guy is but he has been in captivity for far too long. free will!
[2024-9-30. : 8:41 am]
NudeRaider -- just post more, plebs :ego:
[2024-9-29. : 8:45 pm]
RIVE -- The top 1% of the top 1% are soulless, mod-entities who control more minerals than the bottom 99%
[2024-9-29. : 4:31 pm]
Vrael -- down with the mods! take their minerals!
[2024-9-29. : 4:31 pm]
Vrael -- if the top 1% just paid their fair share of minerals we all could just have minerals dammit
[2024-9-28. : 5:39 pm]
RIVE -- Minerals should be taxed
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