Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: Trigger Help: MC Spawn
Trigger Help: MC Spawn
Aug 30 2007, 9:18 am
By: sheepin  

Aug 30 2007, 9:18 am sheepin Post #1

I need help creating a trigger where when you MC the "ling"...ling spawn at your base ...same things with zealots, and marines, BUT when u MC ling, any spawning of lots/rines stop...what i have gotten so far it the ability to select 3 units...zealonts marines and lings...MCing them DOES cause the unit that was MCed to spawn units at base and stop spawn of the other units.. but MCing in the future does not cuase the unit to spawn at bass. so it only works once...-_-

any help very well appreciated


Aug 30 2007, 11:34 am Akar Post #2

I'll make an example map... when I get back from school.


Aug 30 2007, 12:36 pm O)mG Post #3

hmm i think this should work

*ling spawn*:

(player) brings exacly 1 ling at (location ur mcing the ling)

set switch : spawn ling ex: (switch 1)
clear switch : spawn zealot ex: (switch 2)
clear switch : spawn marine ex: (switch 3)
preserve trigger
comment (optional)

*ling spawn switch*

switch spawn ling (switch 1) is set

create ling at (location)
wait (number of milliseconds of there is a wait)
preserve trigger
comment (optional)

then u simply repeat those triggers for other units but always clearing all the switchs that dont involve the unit u are trying to make spawn.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 30 2007, 12:37 pm by O)mG.


Aug 30 2007, 4:53 pm Fwop_ Post #4

Those switches are a waste. Just set a death count value to when you mind control a new unit and give the other 3 back to their original owner.


Aug 30 2007, 7:03 pm sheepin Post #5

Quote from O)mG
hmm i think this should work

*ling spawn*:

(player) brings exacly 1 ling at (location ur mcing the ling)

set switch : spawn ling ex: (switch 1)
clear switch : spawn zealot ex: (switch 2)
clear switch : spawn marine ex: (switch 3)
preserve trigger
comment (optional)

*ling spawn switch*

switch spawn ling (switch 1) is set

create ling at (location)
wait (number of milliseconds of there is a wait)
preserve trigger
comment (optional)

then u simply repeat those triggers for other units but always clearing all the switchs that dont involve the unit u are trying to make spawn.

ah but if the switch is cleared, they wont set anymore?
so like if i choose ling...and want to change unit...then go to lot...but find out lots suck...then go back to ling...i can MC the ling but no longer get that unit spawn and the zealot spawn doesnt stop


Aug 30 2007, 7:10 pm frazz Post #6

Maybe you forgot to preserve the trigger.
Just try O)MG's triggers, they should work.


Aug 30 2007, 7:34 pm sheepin Post #7

omg i for got the preserve trigs O_O *slap* thanks guys works now =D=D=D=D=D=D=D


Aug 30 2007, 11:55 pm Akar Post #8

Yes, he's right, Death Counters would be so much more helpful.


Aug 31 2007, 12:25 am Money Post #9

If you aren't using switches for anything else it wouldn't matter.


Aug 31 2007, 2:24 am Fwop_ Post #10

They may be true, but you should always try to maximize trigger efficiency in anything you do. Using three separate switches for something that can be done with one death counter (which can also be more than just the three) is hardly efficient at all.


Aug 31 2007, 5:38 am sheepin Post #11

Fwop_ i agree with u and Akar, please explain how this would work? like an example


Sep 1 2007, 1:30 pm O)mG Post #12

Quote from Akar
Yes, he's right, Death Counters would be so much more helpful.
...i was only giving him a trigger using switches becuz i didnt think he knew how dcs worked... if he coulnt make this simple trigger work i didnt think he would know how to use death counters...and becides.. switches work fine


Sep 1 2007, 3:03 pm Akar Post #13

Fwop_ i agree with u and Akar, please explain how this would work? like an example
Gah, it doesn't like me, so I'll just redo the whole Example Map >.>


Sep 1 2007, 3:14 pm Falkoner Post #14

Okay, this topic is going on for way too long on a simple trigger.

Basically, you have one death count, which keeps track of which unit you are spawning.

So I'll show a simple example for 3 units:


  • P1
  • Conditions

  • If Current Player brings 1 Zerg Zergling to "MC Area"
  • Actions

  • Set Deaths of Kakaru for Current Player to 1
  • Give all men owned by player 1 at "MC Area" to Player 2
  • Preserve Trigger

  • Trigger

  • P1
  • Conditions

  • If Current Player brings 1 Protoss Zealot to "MC Area"
  • Actions

  • Set Deaths of Kakaru for Current Player to 2
  • Give all men owned by player 1 at "MC Area" to Player 2
  • Preserve Trigger

  • Trigger

  • P1
  • Conditions

  • If Current Player brings 1 Terran Firebat to "MC Area"
  • Actions

  • Set Deaths of Kakaru for Current Player to 3
  • Give all men owned by player 1 at "MC Area" to Player 2
  • Preserve Trigger

  • Now you simply make a trigger that simply creates a unit that corresponds with the amount of kakaru deaths.

    Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 1 2007, 3:14 pm by Falkoner.


    Sep 1 2007, 3:26 pm Akar Post #15

    Sweeet! A trigger button!
    Mmmk, yep, thats right.


    Sep 20 2007, 12:21 am Mabrutha Post #16

    What you could do is make the MCable thing a hero and have it
    conditions: player 1 commands 1 raynor marine
    Actions: Creat 1 terran Marine at location x
    conditions: player 1 commands 1 devouring one zergling
    Actions: give all raynor marine to player 2
    creat one zergling at location x


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