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[2014-9-02. : 12:11 am]
Fire_Kame -- take a break
[2014-9-02. : 12:11 am]
payne -- his ignorance just fuels me in doing so
[2014-9-02. : 12:11 am]
Roy -- Look into arachno-communist examples unless you're afraid of spiders.
[2014-9-02. : 12:11 am]
Fire_Kame -- stop trying to pic fights I thin it is fair to say we moved on :lol:
[2014-9-02. : 12:10 am]
payne -- I feel like you talk a lot about things you haven,t reallt researched much about :/
[2014-9-02. : 12:10 am]
payne -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: Also, if you still think communism is not the worst idea ever, look at history when this was tried on large scales and at the countless number of people who were killed.
Zoan, you should look into anarcho-communist examples in history. Spain in the 20th century, or Ukrania
[2014-9-02. : 12:08 am]
Fire_Kame -- seems legit
[2014-9-02. : 12:08 am]
payne -- just made 230$ :awesome:
[2014-9-02. : 12:08 am]
payne -- back
[2014-9-02. : 12:05 am]
Devourer -- in 4 hours
[2014-9-02. : 12:04 am]
Jack -- Is the raffle draw today?
[2014-9-02. : 12:04 am]
Devourer -- i wish i had more time these days to fix sen. i hope you still enjoy your stay, though
[2014-9-02. : 12:03 am]
Zoan -- Surprised that one worked
[2014-9-02. : 12:01 am]
Roy -- /a Actually, I reinstalled so I don't have anything set up, so I won't look into it for now. Also, I hope /a is implemented.
[2014-9-02. : 12:01 am]
Jack -- Asimov tends to be pretty good
[2014-9-02. : 12:00 am]
rayNimagi -- Wonderful story
[2014-9-01. : 11:57 pm]
Jack -- So according to wikipedia I tend to be minarchist libertarian, as opposed to anarchist libertarian
[2014-9-01. : 11:54 pm]
Roy -- Yeah, basically.
[2014-9-01. : 11:54 pm]
jjf28 -- :P
[2014-9-01. : 11:54 pm]
Zoan -- Thus it is impossible for communism to be good.
[2014-9-01. : 11:53 pm]
Roy -- Semantics, jjf: it is a system of governing.
[2014-9-01. : 11:52 pm]
Zoan -- It's not just a matter of it not being done correctly. Again, for it to be done correctly and to be good, people would have to be good, which they are not.
[2014-9-01. : 11:52 pm]
jjf28 -- communism isn't a form of government, silly :roy:
[2014-9-01. : 11:51 pm]
Roy -- We basically need to change our voting system, but the people who can do that are the same people that would lose all their power by doing that.
[2014-9-01. : 11:51 pm]
Jack -- I don't think we've ever had an entire country run on communistic principles correctly
[2014-9-01. : 11:50 pm]
rayNimagi -- Right now the two major US parties are stuck and unwilling to compromise with another, nothing can get done at the federal level
[2014-9-01. : 11:50 pm]
Jack -- Zoan that's because the violent revolution part of communism never stopped in those instances
[2014-9-01. : 11:50 pm]
Jack -- If I understand correctly* lanthanide will probably come and tell me it's wrong
[2014-9-01. : 11:50 pm]
Zoan -- Also, if you still think communism is not the worst idea ever, look at history when this was tried on large scales and at the countless number of people who were killed.
[2014-9-01. : 11:50 pm]
Jack -- Over here you almost never get 50% of the vote, so you typically have to form an alliance government where you make deals with smaller parties until your combined percentage is big enough
[2014-9-01. : 11:49 pm]
Jack -- Oh, that's dumb
[2014-9-01. : 11:49 pm]
Roy -- I don't know if NZ voting is different, but we have a take-all policy here, so getting a percentage of the votes doesn't buy you any congressional power unless you actually win the election.
[2014-9-01. : 11:49 pm]
rayNimagi -- rayNimagi
rayNimagi shouted: JackUnfortunately the electoral system is set up in a winner-take-all sort of thing
So even if a party gets 49% of the vote, they don't get any seats
[2014-9-01. : 11:48 pm]
Jack -- And if enough people voted for the smaller parties then you'd get a situation like in NZ, where you do have two dominant parties but the smaller parties still have a decent amount of power
[2014-9-01. : 11:48 pm]
Roy -- Well, Jack, in our current system, it's either pick one or throw your vote away.
[2014-9-01. : 11:48 pm]
payne -- can't follow the discussion anymore unforutnatley :(
[2014-9-01. : 11:48 pm]
payne -- alright, g2g for a lil while
[2014-9-01. : 11:48 pm]
jjf28 -- most people would just by lazy
[2014-9-01. : 11:48 pm]
payne -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: woops, Sand Wraith
oops, seems like you did
[2014-9-01. : 11:48 pm]
jjf28 -- yea, but if it's spend a few hours helping check abuse or suffer a 1% loss in their resources
[2014-9-01. : 11:47 pm]
Sand Wraith -- Sand Wraith
Sand Wraith shouted: jjf28 Civic duty? I don't think that accurately reflects what would go on. It's more like if a bunch of students lived in the same apartment, if no one cleans up, they will collectively live in a shithole. They can then collectively decide to either clean it up or leave it as it is.
And aboslutely, some people are flaky about this. I might attribute this to capitalism/liberalism/hedonism whereby work is something abstract that must be done and is a labour of pain rather than love or duty.
[2014-9-01. : 11:47 pm]
Roy -- We have plenty of small parties for you to vote on. Green, Libertarian, Communist, Reform, Socialist, etc. You can vote for them if you want, but if you see a "lesser of two evils" between the main two parties, your vote is better used there.
[2014-9-01. : 11:46 pm]
lil-Inferno -- I think the closest an independent party has ever come to winning was Ross Perot with like 20%.
[2014-9-01. : 11:46 pm]
Sand Wraith -- jjf28
jjf28 shouted: woops, Sand Wraith
Civic duty? I don't think that accurately reflects what would go on. It's more like if a bunch of students lived in the same apartment, if no one cleans up, they will collectively live in a shithole. They can then collectively decide to either clean it up or leave it as it is.
[2014-9-01. : 11:46 pm]
rayNimagi -- Jack
Jack shouted: And do those parties ever get seats in parliament, or the equivalent you have there?
There's like ~3 independents in Congress out of ~500
[2014-9-01. : 11:45 pm]
lil-Inferno -- Yes, but they have no chance in hell of winning.
[2014-9-01. : 11:45 pm]
Jack -- And do those parties ever get seats in parliament, or the equivalent you have there?
[2014-9-01. : 11:45 pm]
Fire_Kame -- Jack
Jack shouted: No Kame, that's the libertarians that you know.
I don't actually know other libertarians, I stay away from them. They put me on mailing lists.
[2014-9-01. : 11:45 pm]
rayNimagi -- Jack
Jack shouted: I don't think the GOP is libertarian at all, they're all about that big government from what I've seen.
But the GOP is the conservative party (the Democrats are the liberals)
[2014-9-01. : 11:45 pm]
Jack -- If I were in the USA I doubt I'd vote for either of your big parties. Have you got any smaller parties?
[2014-9-01. : 11:45 pm]
Jack -- Roy, yes, but they still have laws to uphold. In some societies those laws might include anti-abortion laws, in others it might not.
[2014-9-01. : 11:45 pm]
Fire_Kame -- payne
payne shouted: Fire_Kame Kame, what is GOP? :O
"Grand Old Party," or the republican party. It is hard to refer to them as republicans though, because the term varies country to country. At some point America flipped which one was conservative and which was liberal.
[2014-9-01. : 11:44 pm]
payne -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: Sand WraithRight! Those people are the people that communism assumes are good.
quit... using... the... word... communism... like... that !!!!!!
[2014-9-01. : 11:44 pm]
Sand Wraith -- Zoan
Zoan shouted: Sand WraithWhat if they just act like good people to gain people's approval? It just takes one liar to do so and gain power.
Again, the primary point to keep in mind is that if they abuse their power at any point, they will be brought down by the community. Whether or not they abuse their power is up to the communtiy to decide.
[2014-9-01. : 11:44 pm]
Jack -- I don't think the GOP is libertarian at all, they're all about that big government from what I've seen.
[2014-9-01. : 11:44 pm]
jjf28 -- refresh too fast, ruining my otherwise hawt quote action

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