Staredit Network > Starcraft I Database > File: NEXUS DESTROYERS! v6.31 AI

Sunken Treasure
Filename: NexusD v6.32betaAI Heavy.scx
Filesize: 86.32KB


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File Information
Uploaded on:Aug 1 2008, 11:40 pm
Uploaded by:StrikerX22
Author:Not Given.


Nexus Keeper 1(P1 BANS)
Human (Protoss)
Human (Protoss)
Human (Protoss)
Nexus Keeper 2
Computer (Terran)
Computer (Zerg)
Computer (Protoss)
Map Ver 6.31: StrikerX22
Computer (Terran)
-Heavy Mode-
Computer (Terran)

File Description
Refer to for information about Nexus 6.32 beta Heavy. That beta is perfectly playable, and "Heavy" means 4 civs at start and heroes every 15k.

This is a very incomplete project of mine to create a basic AI to fight against in Nexus Destroyers, usually 1h v 1c. I would possibly have allowed a team system, though I hadn't worked that out yet.

So far, the computer makes a combo of annoying units whenever you haven't selected anything, or it doesn't recognize the ones you've selected. It will try to counter you partially if you select units against the left wall (the rest I have not implemented yet). It will also use heroes, currently in a predictable order, fully healing the nexus once or twice in its list of things to do. It will eventually try to do hero combos.

It's kinda interesting, but not very intelligent. Please try to fight nicely, and destroy its units instead of ignoring them. It's actually a bit difficult if you do that. It will occasionally self-destruct when it thinks you may be a threat at its base, while it's attacking yours with only a few units.

I think that's about it. project is on hold until further notice. feel free to use it and work on it if you wish. It's kinda fun.

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[04:57 pm]
Ultraviolet -- soup
[2024-9-12. : 9:31 pm]
T-warp -- sup
[2024-9-12. : 3:05 am]
RIVE -- sup
[2024-9-12. : 12:24 am]
Dem0n -- hi
[2024-9-11. : 6:47 pm]
Oo.ZeALoT.oO -- hi
[2024-9-11. : 5:22 pm]
NudeRaider -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: I'm running out of bangers that I can recall from the top of my head, might have to give this bit a rest.
this might be a bit of a downer, but none of these were actually bangers :/
[2024-9-11. : 3:15 pm]
dumbducky -- I'm running out of bangers that I can recall from the top of my head, might have to give this bit a rest.
[2024-9-11. : 3:15 pm]
dumbducky -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: hottest take of 2024 right there
2014, actually
[2024-9-11. : 1:44 pm]
Vrael -- or maybe 'for now' I always seem to want to revisit and find better wordings
[2024-9-11. : 1:43 pm]
Vrael -- done now :)
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