Filename: Majesty2_v100a.scx
Filesize: 431.53KB
Jun 9 2008, 5:51 pm |
PCFredZ |
|532| |
312 |
Human (Zerg) | Human (Zerg) | Human (Zerg) | Human (Zerg) | Human (Zerg) | Human (Zerg) | Computer (Terran) | Computer (Protoss) |
Overview •Map size: 256x256 •Smart random map generation: all Monster Lairs, Quest-related buildings, and starting location are randomized into 4 "Lands" •Approximately one minute of original symphonic score from the actual game Majesty: the Fantasy Kingdom Sim
King •Construct 8 Hero-enterable buildings and non-enterable Guardhouses to maximize the efficiency of the kingdom •Earn tax daily from some buildings and through Heroes' spendings •Cast 4 spells on a Gold cost-per-use basis
Heroes •Choose one of 12 unique Hero Classes with combinations of playing styles such as speed/ranged, worker/melee, summon/ranged, etc. •Advance through 20 levels with increasing health and mana •Master 5 spells for each Hero Class •Purchase 8 different items varying in offensive and defensive benefits •Enchant weapons at the Wizards Guild or take to the roulettes at the Gambling Hall
The Mission •Complete epic Quests, one from each of the 4 Lands •Fight Bosses aided by spells and minions •Alternatively, some Quests can be completed without fighting at all •Defend the realm against the neverending tides of randomly spawned Monster hordes