Staredit Network > Starcraft I Database > File: DBZ Ginyu Force RPG

Sunken Treasure
DBZ Ginyu Force RPG
Filename: DBZ Ginyu Force RPG2012.scx
Filesize: 77.55KB


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File Information
Uploaded on:Oct 8 2012, 3:44 pm
Uploaded by:MePHiStO_IS_GoD
Author:Not Given.


Human (Protoss)
Human (Zerg)
Human (Protoss)
Human (Protoss)
Human (Zerg)
ESF and Namekians
Computer (Protoss)
Computer (Zerg)
Computer (Terran)
Force 3
Force 4

File Description
This is a blast from the past! This is an old rpg I found on my old computer from 2001-2002 called DBZ Ginyu Force Rpg. It fulfills one of my boyhood fantasies of playing as the Ginyu Force (Especially Burter and Jeice lets be real the two coolest)

Now be warned this map is well...terrible. It suffers from the blocky linear 'rpg' style of many early SC RPGs. It's also obnoxiously easy for the most part. However, its awfulness is balanced out by utter hilarity. The dialogue is a laughing riot, you can just imagine the 12 year old genius that went into this map. Everytime I play through this I break into uproarious laughter.

So I thought It was time I shared this with the world, enjoy the glory days of UMS mapping and hilariously bad RPGS!

(Also, I added a little twist at the end just for fun)

Made by: Coolcolt & Jo69
Modified by: InfestedNewbie
Uploaded by: MePHiStO_IS_GoD

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[08:40 pm]
NudeRaider -- I'm not an artist, but I made a better version
[04:28 pm]
Ultraviolet -- yeah I don't disagree
[01:19 pm]
NudeRaider -- Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet shouted: :megathink: nice
I just wish those were actual pixel graphics, and not so blurry. They just don't fit in.
[01:16 pm]
NudeRaider -- Roy
Roy shouted: Moose is one of the most veteran members of the site that I can think of: if he isn't doing well, that's a premonition of the site as a whole. Moose, as a community, what can we do to improve your disposition? Please keep in mind the fate of the administration, moderation, and general outlook of the site is reliant on this answer.
Moose even brought Roybot back!
[09:18 am]
Zycorax -- :O
[03:46 am]
Ultraviolet -- I knew big changes were coming this year :doubt:
[03:45 am]
Ultraviolet -- :megathink: nice
[01:52 am]
Moose -- :lolxd:
[01:43 am]
lil-Inferno -- :lolxd:
[01:42 am]
lil-Inferno -- :megaya:
Please log in to shout.

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