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Account Information
Joined: Sep 9 2008, 5:10 am
Last Active: Jan 18 2023, 10:47 am
Status: Offline
Display Name: Darkmapper

Activity: 120
Posts: 64
Posts Per Day: 0.01
Topics: 8
Minerals: 0

Contact Information
E-Mail: Lewl coming soon // No spambots
Starcraft I: Not Given.
Starcraft II: Not Given.

[03:19 pm]
Vrael -- maybe my browser window didnt update or something funky
[03:19 pm]
Vrael -- lol sry UV, I must not have read that? I couldve sworn I was the next person to say something after CAFG but clearly based on timestamps I was 4 hours later
[03:18 pm]
Vrael -- :teach:
[06:11 am]
NudeRaider -- you could also make it several actions, each one for a specific player just to make sure sc doesn't do wonky stuff
[06:30 pm]
Ultraviolet -- boi that's what I just said
[06:16 pm]
Vrael -- bit verbose but if you're just doing it once not much of a problem
[06:16 pm]
Vrael -- you can also just one trigger action for each player in the force if you want to be sure they all get set
[2024-10-14. : 2:22 pm]
Ultraviolet -- I think it works fine in that scenario, but as a general rule, if you try specifying a force and it doesn't work then just redo the trigger(s) with a separate condition or action for each player you wanted to target. I'm not sure exactly when, but I think there are scenarios when using forces instead of targeting specific players doesn't work
[2024-10-14. : 2:20 pm]
Ultraviolet -- Should be all of them
[2024-10-13. : 8:47 pm]
ClansAreForGays -- If I set "Force 1" to enemy via set allaince trigger, will it set all players in that force to enemy? Or just one of them?
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